Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Spiritual Retreat: Time Out For Women

Before I decided to hone my spiritual journey in on the concept of “deep and simple,” I could feel that there was a path I needed to be on- but wasn’t. I felt like I was in spiritual poverty- just scraping by on a spiritual “bank account” that was always in the single digits. I don’t like that feeling. I’d much rather have a little something in reserve for a rainy day, and I knew I had to do my part to build it up.

That was the reason I decided just a few weeks ago to buy a ticket to attend Time Out For Women. I needed an influx of spirituality, and I knew that TOFW could provide that for me. I am happy to report that it did.

While there were many speakers who spoke on a variety of topics, I found that they all boiled down to a few deep and simple truths, which were things I already knew, but a reminder never hurts:

1. Heavenly Father created me.

2. Heavenly Father loves me.

3. Because Heavenly Father created me, He knows my true self and who I can become.

4. Because Heavenly Father loves me, He wants to help me become the person He sees inside me.

5. If I can trust in Him, He will both show me who I can be and help me become it in a loving, perfect way.

6. His way may require trials that will be challenging, but if I continue to focus on Him, He will bring me through them and I will come out of them stronger, better, and closer to who I am meant to be.

Everything else hinges on those basic truths: He made me, He knows me, He loves me, He’ll help me. The only “catch” is that I have to let Him. I have to ask Him to help me push aside the shallow and complex so that I can find the deep and simple me that He made in the first place.

They had several books for sale at the meeting, so I said a silent prayer that Heavenly Father would lead me to one that would help me on my quest for deep and simple, and I finally picked up one called “365 Days of Powerful Prayer.” It contains 365 brief passages meant to help the reader create a deeper connection with Heavenly Father through prayer. If there’s anything that can help me find deep and simple- and is in its very essence deep and simple- it’s prayer, a quiet, soul-searching communion with my Maker.

My goal: Use this book to help me establish a better, more meaningful habit of daily prayer. Ask the Lord to guide me to help me become what He wants me to be.

And remember: I like you just the way you are. :-)


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